2025 Committee Meeting Dates
The committees of the Humane Society focus on particular aspects of the organization. We invite anyone interested in animal welfare to attend a general business meeting, meet the active volunteers, and learn which committee best suits his interests and talents. We are always in need of volunteers. If you are interested in a specific committee please contact the committee chair(s) by sending an e-mail to info@hsrcpets.org. Business meetings are the third Tuesday of each month, 12:00PM at 1822B N Fayetteville St, Asheboro (across from Federal Storage) Meetings are subject to change so please check with us first if you plan on attending.
2025 Meeting Schedule
- April 15
- May 20
- June (no meeting)
- July 15
- August 19
- September 16
- October 14
- November 18
- December (no meeting – Christmas Party)
Rabies Clinic 2025
North Carolina rabies law requires that all owned dogs, cats and ferrets must be vaccinated against rabies by four months of age. One shot is not enough; rabies vaccinations must be kept current. Talk to your veterinarian about when your pet needs it rabies booster shots. Cost is $10 per dog or cat.
Clinic Dates
- March 25
- June 24
- September 30
- December 9
Participating Hospitals
Asheboro Animal Hospital
Blue Flint Animal Hospital
Pointe South Animal Hospital
Seagrove Animal Hospital